


There are 4 possible selections:

  1. Classic
  2. Rounded Highlight
  3. Illuminated
  4. Straight

The clipboard


If checked, each click on a cell in mainview copies its content into the clipboard.


In addition you can copy to the clipboard by click in the menu or using a shortcut.


There are the Tabs View, Database, Dokuments, Search / Filter and Colors.


Some features can be switched on / off. Perhaps deselect speeds up the program a bit.


You can change the sql-server and you can check for updating/intervals of your local database copy.


You can configure the mainview of the documents. Click here for possible output formats.

Search / Filter

Check to search for custom properties. (Attention: You can easily run out of space).


At Basecolor you select a color for the menu. Different shades are calculated by the program. Just try it out. The default (reset) is taken from C:\ProgramData\CF Computer\FastFinder\Colortable.vb. In the Colortable you can change each used color separately. There is a helping program called ToolStripCustomizer. Save with vb extension.
At A filter is active the backgroundcolor of the mainview (and the search tab) in case of an active filter is set.
At Show older revisions dimmed the textcolor (foreground) and the backgroundcolor can be selected. Normally older revisions are greyed out.